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Czech Rugby News Archive

4.6.2005 CSRU Press Release: Ricany are 2004/05 Champions

Ricany won the third, decessive game of the Czech Championship final. In front of 1800 spectators at Ricany home ground they beat their rivals Tatra. more

27.5.2005 Press Release: Britain’s Oxford University Rugby Team, to take on the Czech National XV

May 24, 2005 - Prague. more

16.3.2005 Press release: Czech team for a game against Russia

16.3.2005 - Prague more

11.3.2005 Press Release: Czech team to face Ukraine and ground change

March 11 2005, 17:50 CET - Prague more

2.3.2005 Press Release: Czech team to face Ukraine

March 2 2005 - Prague more

25.2.2005 Press Release: Czech team media conference

February 25, 2005 - Prague more


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  • Czech Rugby News Archive
